
Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции >Ценные бумаги. Инвестиции. Оценочная деятельность >Инвестиции >

The Happy Couple's Guide to Investing in Real Estate

Автор: Jinan Jaber, Chakib Jaber
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 204
ISBN: 1937359298
This book tells the story of a hard working, middle class couple, who tried investing in different areas and then decided to focus their strategy on rental real estate investment in rural areas to build wealth and generate a source of continuous passive income because of volatility in the stock market, 401K and other investments. The authors tell their own successful experience of how they started with the purchase and rental of their first property and how they grew to fourteen units in five years. The book provides a practical guide that can be easily implemented by working individuals, especially couples who are both working, but aren't sure on how to build for their future and become financially independent. Couples can work from home in the evenings as well as weekends to accomplish this goal. The authors share with you how they leveraged each other's strengths and divided up roles and responsibilities to make it work.They share their fun road-trip experiences to different rural...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:58



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