Корпоративная культура организации

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Кадры. Офис. Делопроизводство >Корпоративная культура организации >

The European Corporation: Strategy, Structure, and Social Science

Автор: Richard Whittington, Michael Mayer
Год: 2001
Издание: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 288
ISBN: 0199242089
This book examines the evolving strategies and structure of large European firms in comparative and historical context. Although European corporations still differ in terms of ownership and management, they are adopting increasingly similar organizational structures and diversification strategies. The authors explain recent corporate developments by extending Alfred Chandler's original model of strategy and structure to include conglomerate diversification and the more integrated 'networked multidivisional' structure.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 16:04:01



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