Наука. История науки

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Научная и техническая литература >Наука. История науки >

The Development and Organization of Scientific Knowledge

Автор: Harold Himsworth
Год: 1970
Издание: William Heinemann
Страниц: 192
ISBN: [не указан]
Scientific research is now recognized as a major element in national development. In consequence, support for research has escalated, its achievements are now a matter for public concern, and the question of its relation to the machinery of Govern­ment has become a key issue. As the Secretary of the Medical Research Council for nineteen formative years and as one who was closely associated with national scientific policy, Sir Harold Himsworth has been at the centre of these develop­ments and, in this thought-provoking book, gives his views on their implications for the future. Sir Harold takes it as axiomatic that effective organization rests on a valid identification of the nature of that which we seek to organize. To this end, he critically re-examines our traditional views on the evolution of scientific knowledge and, in the light of his conclusions, suggests how support should be developed, the roles that the universities, societies of scientists, national research bodies,...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 12:53:28



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