The Audiovisual Services Sector in the Gats Negotiations
Автор:Stephen E. Siwek, Patrick A. Messerlin, Emmanuel Cocq Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0844771724 The audiovisual services sector covers a wide range of activities related to the production, distribution, and exhibition of audiovisual content such as motion pictures, radio and television programs, and sound recordings. This study addresses issues posed by recent trends and developments of trade in audiovisual services. Stephen E. Siwek examines options for meaningful trade liberalization for entertainment products in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). He suggests the development of a wide-ranging negotiation strategy (led by the United States) in order to accelerate progress in the audiovisual sector of the GATS. Patrick A. Messerlin and Emmanuel Cocq focus on the profound economic and technological changes in importing countries, including the large European film market.