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Live Rich : Everything You Need to Know To Be Your Own Boss

Автор: Stephen Pollan, Mark Levine
Год: [не указано]

Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0887309348
Money can Buy You Happiness In Die Broke Stephen Pollan introduced a new radical new strategy for spending, saving, and investing money in today's financial market. In Live Rich, he now concentrates on the earning side--with the compelling observation that living rich has less to do with net worth and everything to do with freedom. You can live the life you want by adhering to the four tenets of the Live Rich philosophy: Make Money Too many of us have been fed the line that "work isn't necessarily about making money." Tell that to Visa next time they send you a bill. Don't Grow, Change Be ready to change your work paradigm on a moment'snotice, to morph from career to career several times as conditions--and you--change. Take Charge In the twenty-first century, you must become proactive and start taking measured risks. Become a...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 16:03:12

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