Автор:Kirk McElhearn Год: 2004 Издание:Prentice Hall Ptr Страниц: 456 ISBN: 0131486454 iPod Madness Warn Your Children! The book you are about to read may startle you. It would not have been possible, otherwise, to sufficiently emphasize the frightful toll of the new menace that is destroying the youth of America in alarmingly increasing numbers. In depicting its soul-destroying effects, no attempt has been made to equivocate. The scenes and incidents depicted in this book are all based on actual research into the results of this menace. If their stark reality will make you think, will make you aware that something must be done to wipe out this ghastly menace, then the book will not have failed in its purpose. Because the dreaded iPod may be reaching forth next for your son or daughter...or even you! A disturbing scene has been witnessed across America in recent years and is spreading throughout the world at an alarming pace. People who look normal from the outside--young and old, rich and poor--have joined a new cult. They may be your neighbors, your doctor, your...