Академическая литература издательств Америки

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Научная и техническая литература >Академическая литература зарубежных издательств >Издательство Wiley >Академическая литература издательств Америки >

Integrating Health Promotion and Mental Health: An Introduction to Policies, Principles, and Practices

Автор: Vikki Vandiver
Год: 2008
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 416
ISBN: 0195167724
Mental health systems are in a crucial transition period, thanks to the increasing prominence of health promotion theory and a corresponding shift toward emphasizing wellness and empowerment, holistic and family-friendly design, and empirically supported treatment. Such changes demand adjustments to mental health education, and re-education, to maintain a common ground among students, specialists, and providers. The first book of its kind, Integrating Health Promotion and Mental Health presents a seamless framework for approaching contemporary mental health problems. In this informative and engaging text, healthcare expert Vikki L. Vandiver shows how mainstream mental health services can realistically begin to utilize health promotion principles. Vandiver begins by approaching the need for mental health reform based on stakeholder perspectives and providing an overview of the history and practice of health promotion, leading into a discussion of how health promotion practices can be...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:03:02



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