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Alaska: The Land of M&Ms - "Men and Money"

Автор: Joanne Hawkins
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 176
ISBN: 0936425296
Who would believe that a city girl from the Midwest could find herself starting a new life in the wilds of Alaska? A two-week vacation in 1971 showed her what living in The Last Frontier was all about - self sufficiency and community. There were lots of men too, and they were mighty happy to buy a lady a drink form somee conversation. Some towns had more than 20 men for every available single woman. Playing sing-along music on her accordion made her the life of any party and her skills as an accomplished pool player allowed her to relieve the bachelors of their paychecks. Once back home in Milwaukee, she sold her belongings and bought a pickup truck. Then she drove alone up the Alaska Highway in the dead of winter, narrowly escaping death several times along the way. Why? I wanted to be my own person, make my own money and go where I wanted whenever I wanted, says author Joanne Hawkins. What could be better for a single girl than to head north to Alaska, the land of men and money? ...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:37:40



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