A Token's View from Inside the Internal Revenue Service
Автор:Oscar Williams Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0595000371 This book is a humorous satire about the inner fumbling, bumbling and sometimes just plain chaos which the Internal Revenue Service would like to keep away from the public eyes. A few of the things which this book illustrates are a failed equal employment opportunity program; an antiquated payroll system which kept the employees in turmoil; an awards program which gave away hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars, just because employees came to work or because of the color of their skin; failed management development programs which cost the taxpayers millions of dollars; and the whimsical expensive penchant the IRS has for chasing today's fads and abandoning them when the new ones come along. These are a few items in the book, but there are many more which will leave the readers shaking their heads in disbelief. There are no technical tax matters in the book. The author describes the events in an easy going conversational style. It is guaranteed to make the readers laugh at the...