Кросcворд по английскому языку на тему "Travel"

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Кросcворд по английскому языку на тему Кросcворд по английскому языку на тему
По горизонтали
2. Without him in the campaign is difficult
6. Surname of the famous undersea explorer.
8. People are waiting to go to another country or city
9. Incident or unexpected case in life.
10. She is beautiful at different times of the year
11. Trip or movement on foot over the distant countries or districts.
12. People are going out there during the trip
13. Two wheels they ride fast
15. Погода
17. The one who is engaged in scientific researches.
18. In this iron to roll another iron
19. When people travel on foot

По вертикали
1. Time to go travel
3. The self-contained unit for breath of the person under water.
4. All water mantle of planet or its part between continents.
5. A piece of paper
7. The device for a jump from the plane.
14. The one who makes flights in a space.
16. Животные

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