Приключения и путешествия

Список источников >Детям и родителям >Художественная литература >Приключения и путешествия >

Tunnel Through Time : The Riddle and the Race

Автор: Caroll Congleton
Год: 2005
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 228
ISBN: 0595802141
Book DescriptionThrust back in time one thousand years, two boys accompanied by an irrepressible keeshond, must use every skill they possess, and courage they didn't know they had if they are to survive. They are pursued by a murderer, instigate a rescue, experience monastic life, find themselves in the middle of a Viking raid, a Druid ceremony, an abandoned tomb, and a haunted forest. For a chance to return to the present, they must solve the beggar's riddle and win the race against time. Download DescriptionThrust back in time one thousand years, two boys accompanied by an irrepressible keeshond, must use every skill they possess, and courage they didn't know they had if they are to survive. They are pursued by a murderer, instigate a rescue, experience monastic life, find themselves in the middle of a Viking raid, a Druid ceremony, an abandoned tomb, and a haunted forest. For a chance to return to the present, they must solve the beggar's riddle and win the race against time.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:49:38

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