Всеобщая история искусств

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Искусство. Культура >Искусствоведение. История искусств >Всеобщая история искусств >

The Shipcarvers' Art : Figureheads and Cigar-Store Indians in Nineteenth-Century America

Автор: Ralph Sessions
Год: 2005
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 240
ISBN: 0691120811
Book Description Among the most popular and ubiquitous sculptures in nineteenth-century America were the ship's figurehead and the cigar-store Indian. The vast majority of these engaging human figures were created by shipcarvers-highly skilled artists celebrated for their masterful figureheads but who collectively made tens of thousands of shop figures as well, from fanciful representations of American Indians to firemen, baseball players, and fashionable women. Shaped by nineteenth-century Anglo-American values, this artwork reflects the tenor of the times, including racial and gender stereotyping, America's emerging popular culture, and the birth of modern advertising techniques. The Shipcarvers' Art is the first book to assess the artistry and history of these two closely related genres in a single volume. Richly illustrated and elegantly written, it reveals the intertwining of art, commerce, and shipcarving in nineteenth-century America. On March 22, 1856, for...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:55:23

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