Языки программирования (прочие)

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Компьютерная литература >Языки и системы программирования >Языки программирования (прочие) >

The book of poets

Автор: Osmany Aguilera Almaguer,Madelin Aguilera Borjas and Ladys Yuney Escalona Gordo
Год: 2013

Страниц: 244
ISBN: 9783659382130
The poets book opens a window into the rich poetic traditions of English-speaking cultures. This can be a good way to help you improve your English language skills. Many of these poems can be as high as for the group of texts that you will need for your career or your life. In the lines, there is a whole universe of beauty to discover and explore. The most important thing is that here you will find ingenious poetic statements on important issues and universal values as the passion of love and pain, loss and death, memory and wonder, time, wit, fun, imagination, morality, loneliness, femininity, ethnicity, injustice, freedom and among others. We expect the text to your liking and that is not just a scheme, is for you his passion for reading and understanding.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 12:06:27



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