Карьера. Поиск работы

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Promoting Yourself : 52 Lessons for Getting to the Top . . . and Staying There

Автор: Hal Lancaster
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0743213645
Amazon.comWhether you're looking for a new job or seeking to advance in the one you already have, an ever-tightening market and the ever-toughening competition will not be giving you any slack. Promoting Yourself , by veteran Wall Street Journal careers columnist Hal Lancaster, offers 52 ways to even up the score--and then some. Writing from a tradition-based yet thoroughly modern point of view "for people who question the quick-fix psychobabble served up by the empowered, self-actualized, spirituality-seeking nexus that now dominates the overstuffed career advice field," Lancaster refreshingly addresses real-world situations with real-world suggestions. When writing a resume, for example, he advocates replacing "vagaries with specifics" by substituting solid accomplishments for empty adjectives. Consequently, he urges learning all you can about a prospective employer before an interview and then anticipating everything they will want to know about you. Other issues...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:31

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