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Papa-san : Fishing in the Desert

Автор: Tom Finley
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 202
ISBN: 1413744281
Book DescriptionTom Finley was a freshman in college when he entered the United States Marine Corps on his seventeenth birthday. A little over one year later, he landed on Iwo Jima in the third wave as an extremely well-trained Japanese-hater. He killed and fought his war against the enemy before getting off that volcano island alive. Many of his closest friends were not so lucky and were buried there. Finley spent almost a year occupying Japan after the war ended. He lived among the despised enemy and matured under the influence of Papa-san. He witnessed the culture and social reality of a people not at all unlike his family and friends at home. Finley learned to respect and enjoy the customs of a civilization with over two thousand years of history.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:05:41

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