C/C++. Языки программирования Си, Си++

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Компьютерная литература >Языки и системы программирования >C/C++. Языки программирования Си, Си++ >

Object Oriented Programming in - C++

Автор: M. CHITHIK RAJA,V.S. BalaSubramaniyan and A.Leo John Baptist
Год: 2011

Страниц: 188
ISBN: 9783844393415
After 30 days - Master in C++. The C++ programming language consists of a vocabulary of commands that Students can understand and that can be converted into machine language fairly easily and a language structure (or grammar) that allows humans to combine these C++ commands into a program that actually does something (well, maybe does something) The vocabulary is often known as the semantics, while the grammar is the syntax.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 12:05:20



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