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Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side : The Stories Behind the Songs

Автор: Chirs Roberts
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 144
ISBN: 0634080326
Book DescriptionLou Reed has been art-rocker, iconoclast, contrary noice merchant, and junkie, yet he's always been fascinating. Only David Bowie, arguably, has re-invented himself as many times as Reed, while ensuring that each image was potent, edgy, and dangerous. It's a tribute to Reed's standing that even punk rockers, with their scorched earth policy towards all pre-punk music, had a healthy respect and regard for him. Velvet Underground is one of the all-time greats; but in many people's eyes, Reed has produced his best work solo after the demise of that band. This groundbreaking book will analyze and celebrate the willful intellect, fierce intelligence, and literary merits of Lou Reed's post-Velvet Underground music. Chris Roberts has written about music for fifteen years for The Guardian, Melody Maker, Sounds, and Uncut. He was also the editor of Idol Worship (Harper Collins), a collection of writings by pop stars (Bono, Thurston Moore, etc.) that has been hailed in some...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:37:59

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