Исторические детективы

Список источников >Художественная литература >Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры >Исторические детективы >


Автор: Pat Lorett
Год: 2009
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 250
ISBN: 9781607993131
Lone Feather's straight-laced, orderly, and disciplined military life is about to be bombarded. Full-blood Cherokee Chief Feather is sent on a recon mission on his home turf, the Cimarron River. While skinny-dipping in the inviting, nostalgic waters, events transpire at his abandoned Black Hawk helicopter that trigger an ever-increasing sequence of events. Lone's loved ones are threatened, his ancestors are brought back to life, and family that time had forgotten is restored. Pat Lorett's fourth book, Lone, is full of action, intrigue laced with ghosts, gold, spirit circles and Indian burial grounds. Travel with the Feather's clan from Walnut Grove, Georgia to Indian Territory. Wear Buckskins, blankets, moccasin hocks, carry the papooses on a board. Put horse blankets on the horse to ride, on the ground at night, or to hide yourself from the elements. Horsehide quivers filled with stone point arrows and long bows for game. Braid an Eagle feather in your hair for the clan mark;...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:56:59



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