Исторические романы

Список источников >Художественная литература >Исторические романы. Приключения >Исторические романы >


Автор: Aaron Dennis
Год: 2012
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 192
ISBN: 9781615727278
Book 1 Beyond the End of the World Your neighborhood exterminator can't handle these cockroaches...call Earth Navy. Captain O'Hara leads a special operations team aboard an alien ship. Thewls informed Earth Navy the monstrous Lokians, a race of alien roaches, are on the prowl. They ravage the galaxy in search of new technology with which they integrate to enhance their own abilities. Will the Human crew be enough to stop the alien threat? Why do the Thewls hold fast in their belief that Humans have met their benefactors, the travelers? Captain O'Hara charges across worlds unknown to save the galaxy.
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:59:46



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