Графика и дизайн (в целом)

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AutoCAD LT 2004 : A Problem-Solving Approach (AutoCAD LT)

Автор: Sham Tickoo
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 1066
ISBN: 1401851347
Book Description A solid introduction to the newest release of AutoCAD LT?? equips users with the essential drafting skills needed to solve drawing problems in this thoroughly updated book. A comprehensive how-to and reference manual, AutoCAD LT 2004: A Problem-Solving Approach focuses not only on basic drafting techniques and 2D modeling, but customization techniques that can boost productivity while applying the full power of AutoCAD LT 2004. Detailed explanations of AutoCAD commands are accompanied by clear illustrations, step-by-step examples, and hands-on tutorials aimed at guiding readers to proficient use of the software while strengthening their problem solving skills.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:56:25

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