Первая медицинская помощь. Неотложная терапия

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Медицинская литература >Неотложная помощь. Терапии >Первая медицинская помощь. Неотложная терапия >

Animal Models in Light of Evolution

Автор: Niall Shanks
Год: 2009
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 444
ISBN: 9781599425023
The central concern of this book is with the "prediction problem" in biomedical research. In particular, the authors examine the use of animal models to predict human responses in drug and disease research. The arguments discussed are drawn from both biological and biomedical theory (with numerous examples and case studies drawn from evolutionary biology, complex systems theory, oncology, teratology, and AIDS research), and analyses of empirical evidence (concerning, for example, data on intra- and inter-species differences revealed by recent results from genome analyses of various species, human population studies, and statistical studies of the predictive utility of animal models). This book comes to the unique conclusion that while animals can be successfully used for many endeavors in science such as basic and comparative research, they cannot be used to predict drug and disease response in humans. The arguments presented are rooted in the history, philosophy, and methodology of...
Добавлено: 2015-04-23 01:15:46



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